People and Organizations We are Proud to Endorse!
Derek Dagworthy
LMS Website Administrator
Web developer, data analyst, board game geek! Please blame any bugs on this guy
Cookie Pearl Lightstone
Consistent Employee of the Month
Cookie brings joy and delight to everyone she meets. She was nick-named "The Happiest Dog on the Planet” by her person, Helen, as a puppy and the nick-name stayed. She is independent, strong willed and engaging; she truly is the employee everyone wants!

Derek Dagworthy
LMS Website Administrator
Web developer, data analyst, board game geek! Please blame any bugs on this guy

Web developer, data analyst, board game geek! Please blame any bugs on this guy

Cookie Pearl Lightstone
Consistent Employee of the Month
Cookie brings joy and delight to everyone she meets. She was nick-named "The Happiest Dog on the Planet” by her person, Helen, as a puppy and the nick-name stayed. She is independent, strong willed and engaging; she truly is the employee everyone wants!
Cookie brings joy and delight to everyone she meets. She was nick-named "The Happiest Dog on the Planet” by her person, Helen, as a puppy and the nick-name stayed. She is independent, strong willed and engaging; she truly is the employee everyone wants!